45 Minutes

Omnilux Plus
Omnilux Plus Photorejuvenation with LEDs (light emitting diodes) is a non-invasive method of rejuvenating the skin. The LEDs emit light
that stimulates skin cell activity without causing damage to the
skin’s dermis or epidermis. In clinical trials of LED
photorejuvenation, more than 70% of patients reported an excellent
result and over 80% reported softening of wrinkles. Skin roughness
was also significantly improved. We perform the LED lights on a
complementary basis for our laser and injection patients, allowing
them to gain this additional improvement at no additional charge.
Omnilux Plus Photorejuvenation can also be done by itself as a
series of LED Treatments, the charge is $125 per LED Treatment.
Omnilux Red
Omnilux Red is a wonderfully relaxing experience. You simply lie under the light for twenty minutes. The light has a beneficial effect on healthy cell regeneration and skin tone. This is not a laser treatment – in fact the light is safer than daylight as it contains no harmful ultra-violet rays. Helps with wrinkles, blemishes and an overall evening-out of coloration. Produces a healthy radiance to the face.
Omnilux Blue
Omnilux Blue targets the superficial P acne bacteria, which clears the skin from acne. Omnilux Blue’s pure blue light targets the bacteria, making it the most powerful, non-invasive tool available.
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CoolSculpting Body Treatment
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IPL Skin Rejuvenation
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Medical-Grade Peels
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Fractional Resurfacing
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Laser Hair Removal
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