With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are all confronted with the fragility of our lives.
I am reminded that everyone in this world are our brothers and sisters, we are one family.
People will be struggling to make ends meet. We need to help each other. I’m donating soap to shelters and whoever needs it at this time. My heart aches for the world, those that are ill, and those that have passed. I have a feeling that we will all end up knowing someone who gets this terrible disease. I know we’ll get through this, and be stronger than before.
Like me, I know you’ve recently been bombarded with messages offering you new ways to enhance our health and well-being.
There are many ways to nurture our wellness, but it seems a bit overwhelming, knowing what everyone is going through at this time.
How do you decide what’s best for you, and what’s right?
Since I founded Veronica Skin & Body Care, my aim has always been to take a holistic, but above all an individual approach.
Our bodies and minds are unique to each of us, and makes perfect sense that the way we take care of them is also personal. What works for one may not work for another. This is a crazy, and stressful world and I believe we need to balance this time to care for ourselves, without worrying if we’re doing it right.
I hope you can find a path that’s right for you.
Here are a few of my tips

Adequate sleep is critical for health
Try to get 7 or more hours in a quiet and dark room. Studies show that people who don’t get quality or enough sleep are more likely to age faster, and lower your immune system. During sleep, our immune system releases proteins called cytokines, which promote sleep. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. Cell division happens throughout the day, but peaks around 2 a.m. This is literally the time you have cell renewal and rejuvenation during your sleep. There’s a reason it’s call ‘Beauty Sleep’.

Avoid inflammatory foods and stay hydrated
Try to remove sugar, gluten and dairy from your diet. It’s incredibly important to stay hydrated to ensure your respiratory system remains in full strength.
Drinking enough water helps your body fight infection and makes you feel better. Drink a glass before bedtime, and first thing in the morning. It will make you feel better, really!

Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
Meditate for at least 5 minutes a day, or more if you can. Focus on your breathing, and allow your body to slowly unwind. I love meditating when I bathe, it’s something I look forward to.

Take warm baths with epsom salts and essential oils.
Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfates, which ultimately helps the body to relax and allow you to drift off into tranquility. Aromatherapy baths help calm the mind and body. Add a few drops of organic essential oils of lavender, orange blossom or chamomile. These are my favorites. Lavender is stress-riding, orange blossom is calming and reduces anxiety, and chamomile relaxes and promotes sleep. There are many you can choose from.

Practice yoga
Only a few minutes a day will have a dramatic and positive effect. It helps ease your mind. Yoga straightens and stretches your muscles, and ligaments to keep you limber. The mental and physical wellbeing are entirely connected, and yoga is an amazing practice for both our physical and mental health.

Take supplements to boost your immune system
Zinc is so important at this time. I’ve been taking chelated zinc since I was in my early 20’s. It was partly responsible for helping me get rid of my acne. It’s an anti-inflamatory mineral that our body needs. I love Dr. Mark Hyman for his knowledge and expertise on functional medicine. I took a few of his classes when he was the director at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Massachusetts and have read all his books. His website is www.drhyman.com. He has informative podcasts about health and longevity.

Wash your hands often
but use a moisturizing, sulfate-free hand wash when you can. Sulfates help create a lather and produce foam, but breaks down oil and grime on your hands The problem is the sulfates strip away your skin’s natural, protective oils and pull water out of the skin. Try to wash your hands with glycerin and lanolin soaps. Use gloves when you can.
Do a facial on your skin twice a week!
Now’s the time to quit wearing makeup and bathe your skin in healthy peptides and nutrients during the day. Take advantage of this time to have healthier skin. Learn how to do lymphatic drainage on your face and neck. Doing self massage will help drain toxins, and give you healthier skin. Do a cleansing mask and a hydrating mask twice a week.

Apply your eye cream with a jade stone at night. This ancient beauty ritual from Japan is known to drain toxins from the eye area, increasing blood circulation and helps with puffiness.
Think of this time as being in your cocoon, and you’ll be a butterfly when it’s over.
One easy hydrating, anti-aging face mask you can make at home is so easy.
All you need is yogurt and honey.
- Mix two tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt with one
- tablespoon of raw honey in a small bowl and mix
- Apply to the face and let the mask dry for 15 minutes
- Rinse off with lukewarm water
Voila, you have healthier and brighter skin!

And take a walk in nature when you can. We need to connect with the earth and breathe in those negative ions. Just 30 minute every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.
It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
Above all, stay strong and positive during this difficult time. One of my favorite quotes:
“We must accept infinite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King
Stay well my friends.