Having opened my first spa in 1981 and with over four decades of experience, I’ve been dedicated to treating menopausal skin for more than 43 years.
Perimenopause is the time during which a women’s body is transitioning to complete loss of fertility, or menopause. A women can enter perimenopause at different times and ages, usually starting in her mid 40’s. It can also begin in her mid 30’s. It is during this time there is a gradual shutdown of the ovaries, during which important hormonal changes take place.
Our body is thrown off balance due to the decline production of the dominant female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This can lead to skin becoming excessively oily as well as excessively dry during different times of the month. This can also lead to increased hair growth on the face and other areas of the body. The changes include loss of collagen and elastin that can lead to dryness, wrinkles, decreased antioxidant capacity and increased perception of aging skin. The first signs of dermal aging begins around 30 years of age when estrogen levels begin to decline, the skin thins, wrinkles, dries, pigments unevenly and wound healing slows down. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of collagen during the first five years of menopause and elasticity decreases by 1.5% per year after menopause.
Skin consists of a fibrous matrix containing elastin and collagen. Collagen provides the strength to the skin’s structure and elastin provides the snap resiliency. When the elastin fibers undergo change that cause them to lose their resiliency or snap, the skin no longer is able to return to its original firmness. As a result, sagging and wrinkling can occur. This just doesn’t relate to the face, lower estrogen levels during perimenopause redistribute fat to the stomach, thighs and buttocks. This leads to loss of supportive fat below the skin of the face, neck, hands and arms. Sagging and thin skin are due to the loss of the abundance of the underlying collegian and elastin fibers in the dermal layer that make skin youthful.
Acne can also occur because estrogen levels declines, but the hormone testosterone remains relatively high. This can create a hormone imbalance which can lead to excess testosterone, which produces excess sebum, a common cause of adult acne. This problem usually slows down post menopause.

BIO-DRYING LOTION is an effective spot treatment for blemished skin at any age. Helps dry blemishes, reduces tissue redness, irritation and helps to prevent growth of the blemish. While most spot treatments are harsh and can irritate a dry or sensitive skin, this product is safe and effective for all skin types The combination of ingredients, including propolis and tea tree oil make this one of my favorites for clear skin.

OMNILUX PLUS photorejuvenation helps skin at every age.
As an aesthetician, it is important for me to engage with my clients about skin care programs that work throughout your life. It is never too late to start an anti-aging program, or is it too early. Working with my clients by educating them on proper ingredients and treatments for the skin, and recommending proper skin care programs after treatments can help lessen the effects of menopausal skin concerns, and reduce the appearance of the signs of aging.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and beautiful holiday season!
“You can’t fool Mother Nature, but you can trick Father Time.”
– Veronica