Category Archives: Veronica’s Blog

Perimenopause and Skin

Having opened my first spa in 1981 and with over four decades of experience, I’ve been dedicated to treating menopausal skin for more than 43 years.

Perimenopause is the time during which a women’s body is transitioning to complete loss of fertility, or menopause. A women can enter perimenopause at different times and ages, usually starting in her mid 40’s. It can also begin in her mid 30’s. It is during this time there is a gradual shutdown of the ovaries, during which important hormonal changes take place.

Our body is thrown off balance due to the decline production of the dominant female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This can lead to skin becoming excessively oily as well as excessively dry during different times of the month. This can also lead to increased hair growth on the face and other areas of the body. The changes include loss of collagen and elastin that can lead to dryness, wrinkles, decreased antioxidant capacity and increased perception of aging skin. The first signs of dermal aging begins around 30 years of age when estrogen levels begin to decline, the skin thins, wrinkles, dries, pigments unevenly and wound healing slows down. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of collagen during the first five years of menopause and elasticity decreases by 1.5% per year after menopause.

Skin consists of a fibrous matrix containing elastin and collagen. Collagen provides the strength to the skin’s structure and elastin provides the snap resiliency. When the elastin fibers undergo change that cause them to lose their resiliency or snap, the skin no longer is able to return to its original firmness. As a result, sagging and wrinkling can occur. This just doesn’t relate to the face, lower estrogen levels during perimenopause redistribute fat to the stomach, thighs and buttocks. This leads to loss of supportive fat below the skin of the face, neck, hands and arms. Sagging and thin skin are due to the loss of the abundance of the underlying collegian and elastin fibers in the dermal layer that make skin youthful.

Acne can also occur because estrogen levels declines, but the hormone testosterone remains relatively high. This can create a hormone imbalance which can lead to excess testosterone, which produces excess sebum, a common cause of adult acne. This problem usually slows down post menopause.

Bio-Drying Lotion

BIO-DRYING LOTION is an effective spot treatment for blemished skin at any age. Helps dry blemishes, reduces tissue redness, irritation and helps to prevent growth of the blemish. While most spot treatments are harsh and can irritate a dry or sensitive skin, this product is safe and effective for all skin types The combination of ingredients, including propolis and tea tree oil make this one of my favorites for clear skin.

Omnilux Plus

OMNILUX PLUS photorejuvenation helps skin at every age.

As an aesthetician, it is important for me to engage with my clients about skin care programs that work throughout your life. It is never too late to start an anti-aging program, or is it too early. Working with my clients by educating them on proper ingredients and treatments for the skin, and recommending proper skin care programs after treatments can help lessen the effects of menopausal skin concerns, and reduce the appearance of the signs of aging.

Pyramid Gold Facial


Wishing everyone a peaceful and beautiful holiday season!

“You can’t fool Mother Nature, but you can trick Father Time.”
– Veronica


Mother’s Day is almost here, and I’ve got a great idea that all mothers will love. Host a spa day at at your house for mom!


My mother passed away two years ago at almost 100. I think about her everyday. Being raised by her inspired me to be in the spa business. Good grooming for her was important, and I watched how she put herself together everyday, even to go to the market. When my mother got older and it was hard for her to get around, I would do a spa day for her at home. We laughed, we shared stories about struggles, and triumphs, and motherhood. At the end of our spa days she said she felt more loved, connected, and appreciated the time we spent together.

Mother’s Day is the perfect time to pamper mom, or anyone who is a mother figure to you. I promise you, it will create a beautiful memory.

Here are a few tips:


You want to set the mood, create a relaxing environment with the right music. Nature and instrumental music is soothing. Acoustic guitar and piano is more upbeat and also great. Organic candles and essential oils calm and automatically creates a soothing space for relaxation. Both of you should put on your favorite pjs…you can give yourself a facial, too!

Veronica Malibu Candle


Have your prettiest towels, cotton rounds, swabs, cleanser and skincare products beautifully displayed with a small vase of flowers. Set everything on a small table next to a lounging chair or her bed.


If you have a steamer, bring it out. If not, you can make your own warm towels by placing them in a slow cooker. Have your favorite scrub, cleanser moisturizer and mask. The Malibu Facial In A Bag has everythng you need for a home spa facial. It includes the Mint Wash, Micro Dermabrasion Treatment, Mint & Carrot Masque, Azulene Cream, spatula, towelette and direction card.

Malibu Facial in a Bag

Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate the mothers in our lives, the one who gave birth to us, the one who adopted, the one we choose to be our mother (or who took us in because ours was not available to us), a grandmother, an aunt, friend or foster mother. I love taking the time to pause, reflect and celebrate the most important job there is.- motherhood. My children have taught me more than I have taught them. They have taught me a depth of love and understanding I never imagined possible. Now my adult children have children of their own, and my granddaughter Kendall is a mother!

I celebrate Mother’s everyday, it’s the most important job there is.

My mother Renee and my daughter Lisa on her 99th birthday.

Happy Mother’s Day!

With love,

“A Mother’s Hug Lasts Long After She Lets Go”

Hormonal Skincare 101


When it comes to achieving healthy and radiant skin, understanding the role of hormones is crucial. Hormones play a significant role influencing our skin health.

By understanding your hormonal cycle, managing hormonal acne, selecting skincare products for your skin type, making lifestyle adjustments and exploring professional treatments, you can harness the power of hormones to enhance your skincare routine and help achieve a balanced and radiant complexion at any age.

Many factors affect the condition of our skin, including hormonal issues. A group of three hormones have a considerable impact on hormonal skin changes:

  1. Progesterone stimulates oil glands within the skin. Sebum is the oil produced by the body’s sebaceous glands. It’s responsible for moisturizing and protecting your skin.
  2. Estrogen stimulates collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid that helps our skin remain plump and firm.
  3. Testosterone works in a similar way as progesterone, by activating the sebaceous glands to produce oil.

You can see how they have a significant effect on your oil glands, which often lead to breakouts, oily skin and even dry skin. Maintaining a healthy diet, using skincare products for your particular skin type, exercising regularly, practicing stress reduction, and getting adequate sleep are all best for maintaining healthy skin during hormonal changes. Another way to naturally balance hormones and achieve clear skin is by taking Omega 3 fatty acids. They have been shown to be an effective hormonal acne treatment. Not only do these essential fatty acids soothe our skin’s inflammatory response to excess sebum and bacteria, but they also help balance acne causing hormones, such as testosterone. My favorite Omega products are Nordic Naturals. I’ve been using them for over twenty years. I believe they exceed the strictest purity standards for environmental toxins and contaminants.

nordic naturals ultimate omega


Tretinoin (Retin-A) is excellent for managing hormonal breakouts and imbalances in the skin. It not only can treat hormonal acne, but also improves texture, scarring and fades hyperpigmentation.

Tretinoin is most commonly prescribed as a cream, but I prefer the gel/water based option. You can’t use retinoids if you’re pregnant or breast feeding, and you have to be sure to wear a sunscreen during the day. I have written about Retin-A in past blogs, I’m a huge fan and It’s still the gold standard in skincare.

Skin changes in most pregnant women in one form or another. During pregnancy hormone levels fluctuate dramatically. For some, there fluctuations in hormones doing pregnancy can also lead to an increase in oil production, which can result in breakouts and acne. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily will protect the skin. This is important during pregnancy with the increased chance of developing melasma. Certain skincare ingredients, such as retinoids, hydroquinone, and salicylic acid with concentrations of 2% or more are not recommended during pregnancy. Get clear advice on the best product for your particular skin type with your esthetician or dermatologist.

The Vitamin B Blemish Cream is highly effective and excellent for normal, oily, blemished and problem skin. Vitamin B (yeast extract) helps regulate oil gland secretion to reduce clogged pores, inflammation and break-outs.

Vitamin B Blemish Cream

As you approach menopause, hormonal changes can be described as erratic and cause a variety of skin issues, including dryness and breakouts. The overall declining estrogen levels can lead to a drop in collagen production, resulting in the skin becoming thinner and less elastic. Skin barrier health is even more important during this time. It’s important to include hydrating ingredients, like hyaluronic acid and ceremides in you daily routine. These ingredients support our natural skin barrier and strengthen the skin.

Using ingredients like peptides and retinoids will support the skin’s natural collagen production. They optimize cellular turnover to improve radiance, and over time, skin thickness.

After menopause, hormonal change continue to impact the skin. Decreased estrogen levels can lead to further dryness and thinning, as well as more fine lines and wrinkles. However, some people may also experience and improvement in their skin due to the absence of hormonal breakouts. Your hormones begin to even out rather then cycling month to month.

I recommend layering hydration products, like a toner and serum. Moisturizers can now be ultra nourishing as we no longer need to worry about clogging pores, so opt for formulas rich in oils to best support your skin.

An excellent treatment for hormonal skin at every age is the Pyramid Face and Body Treatment. It begins with an Infrared Sauna to detoxify, improve the immune system, burn calories and improve hormonal skin. Next, the client has a rejuvenating facial followed by the OmniluxPlus Light Treatment.

Pyramid Face and Body Treatment

The bottom line is that hormones certainly have a big impact on your skin. Each person’s skin is unique, and it’s important to keep in mind that the relationship between hormones and the skin is complex and can vary from person to person. Genetics, lifestyle, and skincare habits can also play a role in skin health and appearance. Always listen to your body and skin, and give it the care and attention it deserves.

Love and light, and good health to you all,

“Less make-up is better, it’s always better to let your natural beauty shine.”
– Veronica

The Healing Powers of Epsom Salts & Lavender

Taking luxurious baths is a ritual I’ve enjoyed since I was a young girl. Bathing is a tranquil sanctuary that is healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

Showers are popular for their speed, but baths are best for hygiene, pleasure and treating the skin on the body. That’s why I’m happy to share with you my new Deep Relaxation Epsom Bath Salts.


Baths are always popular with children, but as a busy adult we feel we don’t take the time of soaking in the tub. So, you jump in the shower, you towel off and move on with your day. That’s fine, but your missing out if you don’t take time to relax in an Epsom salt bath once in a while. If you can carve out 20 minutes, you may find it makes a huge difference in your overall health.


Using Epsom salts with lavender cleans, exfoliates and helps with irritation and inflammation caused by dead skin cell accumulation. Want beautiful feet? You definitely need to exfoliate and soak them. Bathing with Epsom salts also helps clear away the bacterial and fungal load from contact in your environment. Soaking in warm water with Epsom salts opens up your pores, and flushes out the dirt that can accumulate during the day.

Deep Relaxation Bath Salt and Azulen & Avocado Body Oil

There is no right or wrong way when it comes to the question of showering after a bath. A quick shower after a bath is always refreshing. You can also make your own salt glow in the shower by adding a few drops of the Veronica Azulen & Avocado Body Oil to a handful of the Bath Salts for a delightful deep cleansing body scrub. Your skin will thank you.

Epsom salt is made of magnesium and sulphate. Magnesium is known to increase relaxation, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle nerve function, while sulfate helps with recovery and detoxification. Magnesium deficiency is associated with muscle aches and cramps. Taking an Epsom salt bath increases our magnesium levels and reduces muscle soreness.

Lavender has been used for centuries for its beneficial and anti-inflammatory healing. Lavender is beneficial for a variety of conditions, including insomnia, anxiety, stress and dry skin. The name lavender come form the Latin word lavare, which means “to wash.”

When I was in Egypt in the1980’s I studied with a famous aromatherapist. I found that lavender essential oil was a favorite ingredient in ancient times, not only because of its wonderful fragrance, but because it would also cleanse and disinfect the bath water due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. This herb has also been used as a remedy for a range of ailments form insomnia, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Research has confirmed that lavender produces calming, soothing sedative effects when its scent is inhaled. That’s why it’s excellent when used in a warm soaking bath.

Always moisturize after gently toweling off to keep skin hydrated and healthy.

I’m a firm believer in self-care. After a long day, add some Deep Relaxation Bath Salts to your bath, foot bath or use a handful as a soft body scrub. It will help wash your stress away, give you hydrated, smooth, beautiful skin, and help you get a good night’s sleep…I promise.

Here’s to Health!

Veronica Barton Schwartz

“And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!” – Audrey Hepburn

Veronica’s New Year’s Resolutions for Glowing Skin in 2023

Veronica Barton Schwartz

My prediction is that it’s going to be a great year for beautiful skin. Skincare has come a long way and has an exciting future ahead in terms of diversity.

But on a day to day basis, you can make a few simple tweaks or additions to your skincare routine to make a massive difference in how your skin looks and feels.


It’s no surprise that what you consume shows on your skin. A well-rounded diet of vitamins and mineral rich, whole foods will have an amazing effect of the health of your skin. A poor diet can cause breakouts and dull looking skin, whereas a good diet can provide your body with all the nutrients you need for great skin. You can cheat once in a while, I’ve always had a rule to cheat on the weekends and keep it clean during the week. At almost 75 it seems to be working.

good diet


Moisturizing your skin, even if you have oily skin is a must. Skipping the moisturizer can actually make breakouts worse because dry skin signals to your oil glands to produce more oil, which causes more congestion. If shiny skin or pimples are an issue for you, use an oil-free moisturizer. This restores moisture, protects your skin and nourishes without leaving a greasy feeling, and leaves your skin looking smooth and matte. Moisturizing everyday also is important for keeping wrinkles away, makes existing wrinkles look less noticeable, and helps to soothe the skin that has been aggravated by treatments like Retin-A, retinoids and other potent ingredients.

Exfoliating is important to slough off the surface dead skin cells the cause a lackluster complexion. You can exfoliate by either physical or chemical exfoliation.

You will see a big difference – I promise.

Micro-Dermabrasion Treatment Azulene Cream


Vitamain A & C are both the rockstar ingredients in skincare! By Vitamin A, I mean retinol or a retinoid. So what is the difference between a retinol and a retinoid? A retinoid is a Vitamin A derivative that has many subtypes, including retinol. Retinoids (RetinA) are stronger and more potent, usually requiring a prescription from a doctor. Retinol is a less potent, gentler ingredient that can be found over-the-counter in common skin care products.

The difference between how retinoid and retinol are processed on the skin is that they must be broken down into retinoic acid. The faster this process happens, the more effective in treating skin concerns quickly. Retinol takes longer to be broken down, so it has a less potent effect on skin. Retinol is still very good for treating common skin concerns like acne and aging, it just has a lower chance of irritating the skin than retinoids. Retinol is recommended for common and moderate skin issues like routine breakouts, fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. When starting a retinoid remember the golden rule: take it slow. Start with a pearl-size amount, then gradually build up your usage until your skin gets used to it. Even then, listen to your skin, you may have to cut back if your skin gets too dry or flaky. Always stop using the prescription strength retinoids a week before traveling, and never use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Always wear an SPF.

good diet


Sun protection is essentially the first step in ensuring our skin stays youthful and healthy. Sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer and premature aging, when used along with other measures like wearing sunglasses, wide brimmed hats, siting in the shade during peak daylight hours and wearing long sleeves. You might think cloudy weather warrants forgoing sunscreen, but sunlight penetrates clouds, and though it may not be as strong as on a sunny day, it can still do plenty of damage. Sunlight can also penetrate through windows or off reflective surfaces. Always make sure the sunscreen is the final step of your skincare routine. Use it everyday on the back of your hands, neck and anywhere your skin is exposed. Your skin will thank you when your older.

This time of the year offers us a brand new start, and I want to take this opportunity to wish you love and peace in the new year. Here’s to great skin care and good health in 2023!

Happy New Year!

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” – Anne Frank

Does diet really matter when it comes to skincare?

When I was a teenager, the advice I got about having clear skin was consistent:

  1. Wash your face often.
  2. Try a topical, over the counter remedy such as those containing drying agents (Clearasil) or alcohol based toners.
  3. Avoid oily foods and chocolate because they trigger breakouts and make acne worse.

By 1979, the time I finished school in esthetics the message had started to change. I learned that the connection to good skincare had a lot to do with your lifestyle (diet, exercise, sleep, skincare products, hormones, sun protection, etc.).

One of the best ways to reduce inflammation is following an anti-inflammatory diet.

Your immune system becomes activated when your body recognizes anything that is foreign (chemicals, smoking, too much sun, plant pollens, toxins, etc.). This triggers a process called inflammation. The body takes this intermittent bouts of inflammation directed as threatening invaders. When these bad habits persists, day after day, that’s when inflammation can become your enemy. Many major diseases that plague us – including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and acne – have been linked to chronic inflammation.


One of my favorite and easiest ways to help ward off inflammation from the the inside out is with a balanced and healthy diet. A healthy skin reflects how healthy you are on the inside. So what can you do to get glowing skin? Eat healthy, exercise regularly, de-stress and of course, follow a regular skincare routine. Your skin needs a boost from within to look fresh and glowing.

Beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within. You need the to eat the right balance of foods to feed your skin the vital nutrients it needs to help it start soft, radiant and blemish-free.

Fruits and greens contain powerful antioxidants that helps protect the skin from cellular damage caused by free radicals. A diet rich in fruits and veggies can give your skin a more youthful appearance.

Pigments found in red produce have been shown to protect against sunburn, so be sure to eat watermelon, beets and some raspberries! You’ll feel the difference instantly if you incorporate a dark green juice in your diet everyday. You’ll see the difference in the tone of your complexion.


Kreation Organic Juicery

Chapped lips can also be caused by deficiencies in certain nutrients, including iron, zinc, and B-vitamins. Generally speaking, your lips should be pink, soft and smooth. if you want healthy lips, drink plenty of water, have a good diet, and use good lip moisturizers, and lip balm.

SPF 15 Healing Vitamin C Lip Treatment SPF 15 Healing Vitamin C Lip Treatment

If you drink lemon juice with warm water and honey, it detoxes your body and will help give the skin on your lips a healthy glow. Skin tip: You can mix and apply a little of the juice with a small amount of sugar and use it as a lip scrub.

Summer’s almost here, so I hope you get to enjoy Mother Nature’s colorful fruits and vegetables!

Here’s to health!

I was lucky enough to have Julia Child as one of my clients. Julia’s saying was

“People who love to eat are always the best people.”

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year everyone.

The last few years have certainly been challenging. However, challenge doesn’t have to equal defeat, nor does it have to define this year or any other. Sometimes what emerges from challenge is our best self, whether shown by perseverance or courage we never thought possible, or simply noticing the beauty of a winter sunset or listening to the laughter of a child. It’s about our willingness to change, to adapt and bend to what is needed to survive and go on without breaking, to see the possibility rather than the peril. It’s also about taking care of our own wellbeing – relying on it when we need it. Maintaining wellness and wellbeing has always been at the core of my life. It was the main reason I started my business in wellness and skincare.

Four cornerstones of wellness are:

  • good nutrition
  • regular exercise
  • peace of mind
  • the care of the face and body

These basic practices leave our bodies and minds better equipped to meet the challenge of life, to recover, and to move on to the next challenge that we will face.

In theses challenging times, self-care is more important then ever. Make it a simple, yet enjoyable experience at home.

During colder months and with pathogens abound, simple steps can fend off these aggressors- like getting enough sleep and exercise, increasing our intake of vitamins and minerals, and taking mental breaks thoughout the day. Taking a warm bath in epsom salts and essential oils not only eases mind and muscles, it also provides minerals like magnesium transdermally to support healthy sleep and body function. Finish with a relaxing self-massage with my Veronica Malibu Azulen & Avocado Body Oil. An all-over nourishing body oil for conditioning the skin. Applied daily, it helps to regenerate and restore the elasticity of the skin, and helps to improve its firmness. This deeply moisturizing oil is excellent for dry heels and elbows!

Epsom Salt Bath

Veronica Malibu Azulen and Avocado Body Oil

Because of mask wearing, one of my favorite products that always calms me and refreshes my skin in an instant is the Veronica Malibu pH Cucumber Toner. Not only because the smell of fresh cucumbers, but this non-drying, alcohol-free toner restores the skin’s natural pH and oil balance. It reduces inflamed skin and adds needed hydration. It minimizes the appearance of fine lines, reduces pore size and helps tone the complexion. A long time favorite of dermatologists for it’s soothing properties before and after procedures.

Veronica Malibu pH Cucumber Toner

So let’s take care of ourselves and choose to reflect on these last few years as a challenge we accepted and overcame. To remember the good instead of the bad – like the new skills we chose to learn, the extra family dinners, the bonding time with our pets, and giving ourselves the priority of wellbeing it deserves. If we keep sowing the seeds of wellness in ourselves, we will emerge from any challenge stronger and a better version of ourselves!

Wishing you wellness for 2022 and always.


“THE FIRST WEALTH IS HEALTH” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Breaking Out From Your Mask? Here’s How to Stop Maskne

I don’t have to tell you that masks are a must these days. Medical experts say wearing a paper or cloth mask in public spaces is one of the most import things we can do to slow the spread of COVID-19.

What’s not fun is the telltale pimples on your cheeks and chin caused by all that mask wearing. Mask induced breakouts have become a fairly common phenomenon, cleverly named “maskne”. In addition to blemishes, you may also experience redness and irritation after a day of mask wearing. I’ll explain why maskne happens, how you can make it stop, and how to keep yourself and your skin healthier.

Why does maskne happen?

The name took off during the COVID-19 pandemic, but doctors have long known the condition by a different, more medical term: Acne Mechanica. This type of acne breakout is caused by friction, pressure or rubbing against the skin. It’s often seen in athletes who wear chin straps. In the case of maskne, it’s the friction of the fabric or paper mask against your skin. This traps moisture, sweat, oil and makeup which can all wind up lodged in your pores, triggering an inflammatory response. Acne causing bacteria, excess oil and inflammation are the three culprits for breakouts and acne. Even if you’re not one to typically breakout, you still may be seeing pimples after all the mask wearing.

How can you avoid maskne?

1. Add an acne treatment to your skincare routine.

Products that are formulated to fight acne without irritating or drying your skin will help keep pores clean, even when they’re covered with a mask.

Veronica’s Fresh Mint Cleanser, Vitamin B Blemish Cream, Bio Drying Lotion and Mint & Carrot Masque will help keep skin in balance. These products help reduce tissue redness, irritation and helps to prevent growth of the bacteria.

Fresh Mint Wash

The Veronica Fresh Mint Wash is a mild pH-balnced facial cleanser that instantly softens hard tap water, dissolves oil and contaminated sebum from the skin’s surface. Beneficial to the skin because of its selective blend of natural botanical extracts of Aloe Vera, Horsetail Extract, Sage, Peppermint and Spearmint. Unclogs pores and helps control oily skin without over drying.

Vitamin B Blemish Cream

The Veronica Vitamin-B Cream is a highly effective, yet very light day cream. It is recommended for normal to oily, blemished and problem skin. A complex blend of natural botanical extracts, vitamins and amino acids, help to moisturize and balance the skin. Vitamin-B (Yeast Extract) helps to regulate oil gland secretion to reduce the possibility of clogged pores, inflammations and breakouts. This helps keep skin in balance by working with your skin’s natural microbiome, a name that refers to all the microorganisms that live on the surface of skin, keeping it healthy and happy. When the skin’s microbiome is out of balance, bad bacteria (also known as P. acnes) can take over, contributing to pimples. Keeps the skin hydrated while controlling oil overproduction. Aloe Vera helps soothe problem skin. Blackcurrent, Tamarind, and Apple Extracts help to balance the skin’s pH and control bacteria. Vitamin-B Cream goes after bacteria that causes acne, without drying out your skin.

Blemish Drying Lotion

The Blemish Drying Lotion is an effective spot treatment for blemished skin. It helps dry up blemishes, reduces tissue redness, irritation and helps to prevent growth of the blemish. While other acne spot treatments are harsh and can irritate a dry or sensitive skin, this product is safe and effective for all skin types. The combination of ingredients, including Propolis and Tea Tree Oil make this one of Veronica’s top sellers for clear skin. The Veronica Blemish Drying Lotion also takes the redness and itch out of mosquito bites! Sulphur clears comedones and inhibits new ones from forming, Salicylic Acid encourages the sloughing of dead skin cells, Propolis works as a anti-inflammatory, and Tea Tree Oil fights off bacteria and is a anti-fungal. You can wear it under your mask during the day, and it will not dry out your skin.

Mint & Carrot Masque

To round out your acne regimen, you can add a weekly detoxifying mask.
The Veronica Mint & Carrot Masque purifies the skin with chlorophyll that helps draw out impurities. It calms irritations, and tightens and refines pores. If your skin is super oily, bump it up to twice a week on non-consecutive days.

2. Wash it daily

Fabric cloth masks need to be washed everyday. Fabric masks can become a haven for bacteria and wearing one without washing it can upset skin’s natural microbiome. Launder your fabric masks with a fragrance-free, gentle detergent. Fragrance can sometime trigger skin irritation in sensitive, and acne prone skin. You can spritz the liner of your mask with an antibacterial spray to keep it clean between washings.

3. Wear the right type

After months and months of mask wearing, you’ve probably realized they’re not all created equal. So, what’s the best mask if you’re struggling with maskne? Experts say you want one that’s snug, but not supper tight. Make sure it’s designed with at least two layers of a soft, comfortable fabric. Cotton is especially breathable and skin-friendly. Synthetic fabrics such as nylon or polyester can feel too heavy and lead to more moisture, irritation and potential breakouts on your skin.


Lisa Jenelle Deleau (Veronica’s daughter)

4. Rethink your makeup

You have to tweak your regular look, especially if you’re already experiencing maskne. Avoid foundation if your going to be masked up for most of the day. Otherwise, it will mix with your skin“s oils and settle into your pores. Instead, use a makeup concealer with an SPF to spot treat areas under your eyes and where you need it on your face and neck. Play up your eyes, after all, your eyes are the first things everyone sees when half of your face is covered by a mask.

5. Give your skin a break

The American Academy of Dermatology (ADD) suggest giving your skin a breather at least every four hours for 15 minutes at a time. This is also a great time to remove excess oils by blotting and switching out your mask for a clean one.

Masks may be part of our reality for the foreseeable future, but maskne doesn’t have to be. Using the right products, treatments, makeup changes and hygiene tweaks, you can keep your skin calm and comfortable while you protect yourself and everyone else around you. Apply healing and nourishing products at night. Your skin works hard at night to try to heal itself. It’s therefore, essential to provide skin-nourishing ingredients before hitting the sheets.

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season filled with hope and joy.

With love & gratitude,

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn

Happy Mother’s Day Mom♥️ Here’s to 40 years in business… Inspired by your work ethics🌹

This Mother’s Day means more to me than I can express in words.
May 24th will be 40 years since I opened my spa in Malibu. But more importantly, it’s the first Mother’s Day without my Mother. It’s also my daughter’s birthday, my husband’s birthday, and our wedding anniversary.

How do I begin…

Going into the spa industry in a way was like coming home, it was what I was called to do in this world, so I work hard to do it to the best of my ability. Starting a business at the age of 30 was a passion for me. I had a vision that put clients at the heart and center of my work. I am grateful for all the estheticians, yoga instructors, tai chi master, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, massage therapists and team members who joined me in my journey over the years.

I feel fortunate to be in the spa and wellness industry, where I can explore and research new products, treatments, and their impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Veronica Barton Schwartz

I am grateful and humbled each and every day by the constant love and loyalty shown by my clients and team members who have stood by me and helped me during my 40 years in business.

Over the last 40 years, Veronica Skin and Body Care has undergone many changes, and has become stronger and more successful than ever before. My deepest appreciation to all of my dear employees, clients, friends and my daughter Lisa, who have made these past 40 years possible. I would have never been able to imagine this journey without all of you! It is said that it doesn’t matter where you go in life, but what matters is whom you have beside you.

My mother passed away 6 months ago on Thanksgiving, and in that time I have found myself looking for answers, searching for anything that will help me figure out the loss of a mother. I lost my father at 3, so being raised by a single mother makes them your whole universe as a young child, which she was for me.


One of the last memories I have is watching, and listening to my mother tell my children how much she loved them and watching my daughter gently feeding her one of her last meals. The shutdown of our world was terrible, but I got to spend more time with my mother. The last few months of her life were especially hard, because she was getting weaker. She died 4 months shy of her 100th birthday. I miss her smile and spending time with her, and I always will.

Even now I wish we could make new memories together, but the memories of the times we spent together bring me happiness every day. One of the last trips I took her on was a cruise to Alaska. We would sit on the deck at midnight, and because it was summer the sun was still shining. I remember she loved watching the Bald Eagles fly above us.

Part of my fascination with skincare was inspired by my mother. I watched how she took care of her skin. I was a sun worshiper from the age of 12 and loved the ocean, and laying on the beach with my girlfriends every chance I could. She tried to tell me about the harmful rays of the sun back then, but my love affair with the ocean was too strong. I loved being sun tanned, and we would have contests on who could get the darkest. She’s the one that started my love affair with hats, lotions and French perfumes. Her dresser was always displayed with beautiful crystal perfume bottles, and her favorite creams.

On this Mother’s Day I am celebrating women and being a woman daily. I was brought up by a strict and hardworking mother. Whenever I am faced with difficulties, I think about my mother, and those powerful women who support each other and give encouragement to uplift one another, regardless of their current saturation. Their extraordinary strength keeps them going. I witnessed this when I traveled to Malawi in Africa. I met and watched how the widows in the village took care of the orphans. These amazing women formed their own support group and sew mosquito nets to support and feed the children. They are truly the definition of beautiful!. Their energy and kindness shine and lift other people’s spirits. I can’t wait to go back to Malawi to visit them!

Veronica with widows of Lilongwe, Malawi taking care of The Children Of The Nations.

How fortunate we are to be mothers, have mothers, or have figures in our lives to inspire us and gently guide us. I thank all of you for every hug, word of encouragement, and acts of love you have given me. I will never forget everyone’s kindness.

Happy Mother’s Day!

With Love,

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die” – Thomas Campbell

The Beauty Industry’s Freshest Trend

CBD skincare products are everywhere these days.

The hemp derived extract first popped up in everything from gummy bears to oral tinctures, but now it’s quickly emerging as the new ingredient in the skincare industry. I have been a passionate student of the science of skin care and an esthetician for over 40 years. I’ve learned the true secret to effective skin care lies in reducing inflammation. Inflammation is the cause of aging, dull skin, and most skin conditions. That’s why inflammation is the most talked about subject in skincare. I’ve been researching CBD skincare for many years and I am excited to talk to you about AmericanVanity BioAdvance CBD Skincare.

So what exactly is CBD?

Despite its very recent arrival in skincare products, cannabidiol is not new. in fact, its use dates back to ancient civilizations. CBD is short for cannabidiol. The plant-based extract is what is known as a phytocannabinoid, a molecule found in the hemp plant. Unlike another well-known phytocannabinoid, THC (found in marijuana), CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it won’t get you high in any application.


How does it work?

The plant based CBD supports the body’s own endocannabinoid system. We make our own naturally occurring cannabinoids, which is responsible for keeping your body (including your skin) in a healthy and balanced state. If the body’s endocannabinoid system is out of balance, so is your complexion. It can get irritated, oily, red, dry, blemish-prone or even itchy as a result. Topical CBD helps reduce the appearance of redness and irritation, and works to calm the skin down. It’s these soothing benefits that make CBD especially good for sensitive and problem skin types. Topical CBD also helps support skin’s moisture barrier ( the outermost layer), helping skin hold onto its hydration. When your moisture barrier is healthy and intact, your skin may be less sensitive as irritants can’t easily seep through the surface layer, and your complexion appears plumper and smoother.

Is all CBD created equally?

It’s not, which means that CBD skincare products aren’t equal, either. There are some differences that I want everyone to be aware of when looking for a CBD skincare product.

First, there are three different types of CBD used in skincare products: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and CBD Isolate.

With full-spectrum CBD, you’re not just getting cannabidiol, you’re getting other phytocannabinoid, including THC. It is unfiltered CBD. It is not known what exactly CBD and THC do for the skin.

With broad-spectrum CBD, the extract has gone through one filtration process. Most of the THC has been removed, but there may still be traces (even if the label claims otherwise), so that’s something to consider if you’d rather not apply a psychoactive substance on your skin.

It’s only with CBD Isolate that you’re getting pure CBD.

AmericanVanity Skincare uses CBD isolate to ensure you’re getting nothing but the benefits of topical CBD. AmericanVanity’s patent pending BioAdvance CBD, is a water-based CBD with 30x the penetration of regular CBD oil. Most CBD infused skincare products today are oil-based .The problem with oil based products is the CBD’s topical bioavailability is very low-very little CBD makes it past the very topmost layer of skin to where it can actually do some good.

American Vanity

The collection of AmericanVanity Skincare is designed to soothe even the most sensitive complexions. Each of the products contain pure Isolate BioAdvance CBD. The collection is not only ideal for sensitive skin types, but also those who want a truly clean skincare line that incorporates CBD. Plus, it’s a calming skincare line that doesn’t skimp on efficacy. It can be used on any type of skin.

If you’re looking for skincare products that are made with the purest, highest-quality organic CBD, AmericanVanity will deliver visible results. And, it’s packed in glass with refills!

Please visit us on to see the complete ingredient listing. And, I can’t wait to give you an AmericanVanity Facial at the spa!

Stay well my friends.


“Filters are great, but great skin is better.”